Saturday, October 29, 2011

H to O to P to E = HOPE

Hope_ fly over the world 

# Wordless Saturday

love doesn't mean we have to belong's to each other..
love_ doesn't - mean- i love you- .....but.... 
LOVE means we care.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Piece of words

Assalamualaikum wbt everyone..
specially those who read this.. may all of you in His bless..

okay, as everyone noticed my title is on "piece of word"
this entry specially dedicated to all my hearts, i mean to my siblings. Those who know me who i am, how i'm react, how i'm sleep, snoring when sleep in tiredness, what i will be when i mad, what i really want, how long i take a bath, how long i need to tidy up my bedroom, my locker and many more.. my life would't be in ease without presence from them. Yea sometimes i admit that i felt lonely without them even they always make mad, and i have been called as a "singa" among them. haha :D funny right ?? yes b'coz when i'm mad the whole world would be in dark.. hurmm mayb.. :) it just i love them so much. no words can describe that even they can't see it but Him know. I hope future than, i will at least make my sibling proud of me and i always pray for their success.. As for most, only them know who i am actually. And honestly said i can't live without them. Thanks mama and aboh for giving me such wonderful and superb sisters and brother for me even sometimes they make my life suck ! but still they are top superstars in my heart ! 
to be continued more about this. i hope i can write more about them here.. opps! i mean about my family, who always beside me and who always support me in anything. last but not least i love them eternally.

lots of love <3 

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Pesanan atok ..

Assalamualaikum wbt semua sahabat-sahabat di luar sana samada yang mengenali saya ataupun tidak.

hari ni saya nak kongsikan dengan kamu semua tentang satu perkara. Something yang atok saya selalu pesan kepada saya, adik-adik, anak- anak beliau dan semua family saya lah. So benda baik elok kan kalau sekirannya dikongsi lebih ramai lagi. InsyaAllah..

Atok saya selalu pesan when we want do something always start with :
 1st : selawat ke atas Nabi
2nd : baca Al- Fatihah
3rd : Ayat Kursi

Seelok-eloknya bacalah 24jam. InsyaAllah kita akan terselamat dari bahana syaitan durjana dan dilindungi olehNya. mudah-mudahan, InsyaAllah. dari mulut kita bercakap benda yang tak berfaedah lebih baik kita basahkan bibir kita dengan ayat-ayat suci Allah. InsyaAllah, mudah- mudahan hidup kita selalu berada dalam keadaan yang tenang. Sama- samalah kita berdoa ya wahai sahabat semua. Kadang- kadang hidup kita ni, kita selalu alpha. Saya tak kata saya sempurna sebab saya pun manusia biasa juga yang punyai banyak kelemahan dan juga kekhilafan. Tapi tak salah untuk kita berubah ke arah yang lebih baik yang dirahmatiNya. 

Ya Allah semoga kau memberkati, memberikan ketenangan dan lindungi hidup kepada sesiapa yang baca blog aku ini. Amin. 

Sama- sama kita amalkannya ya para sahabat.

with love <3

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Stuck between.....

nothing much to say..
just want to spread love to anyone who always stick in my heart..
i just miss them very much and always miss them..

just want to share with you all something..
my mom always said this to me : 

" choose someone who love us most than we love he/she most"

i never forget this statement. always in my mind. but i always stuck between those words. 
u know.. sometimes i don't know either i'm supposed to accept propose from "this" person or not. i just not ready yet to have any special relationship with anybody. i admit that sometimes i feel empty, boring, lonely, but i've promise with myself that i don't want to tight with before i grab my mission.. mission of my life. 
so i don't want to break off my promise where i made long time ago.. 
i've something to be shared with you guys..
i hope this topic will be interesting to share with.

so till here then.. bye bye
with love <3

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New born :)

Assalamualaikum wbt semua..

First of all i wanna like to say happy hols to all dip students who was just finish final exam and hope we got what we deserve. As for me i really hope that my result will match to further my studies in degree. InsyaAllah. wish me luck pees.
hurm.. what im talking about ?? just dont have points to say. just typing what cross on my mind.

hurm should i stop here before i make unexist and wierdos  story ?? hee :) ridiculous.
oaky till then. i will back soon babes !
gtg now ! Assalamualaikum
lots of love from me <3